Build Your Doodle Army

A Personal Fund Raising Campaign

On February 2022, Brunei Darussalam was once again struck with another wave of COVID-19, and the cases started to rise again at such an alarming rate. At this point, I wanted to try something different, so I decided to take the opportunity to do a personal campaign by incorporating one of my main passions into a cause: Drawing.

I have been drawing ever since I was younger, and I wanted to try and make use of one of my favourite hobbies to support my community, even if it was achieved at a small scale. By making use of the BIBD (Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam) application’s digital donation feature along with Instagram providing a platform for me to reach out to interested participants, I had the privilege to conduct my personal mini-project along with many generous and positive-minded individuals who actively share the same initiative as I did: Helping our frontliners with their COVID19 Relief Fund, but the participants get to have their own incentive from it, too!

The process is simple:

  1. Participants simply had to donate any amount to the COVID19 Relief Fund via the BIBD app.

  2. Screenshot the proof of transaction and send it to me via Instagram DMs.

  3. Participants can then request any doodle from me, to which I would draw in batches and upload them on my Instagram profile page.

As I posted updates and announcements regarding this project on Instagram, I have received a huge number of overwhelmingly positive feedback from the community. In a span of two weeks, we managed to raise more than BND$1,200.00 towards the relief fund.

As of today, the campaign has been closed, and thankfully our country’s state in regards of COVID19 has been in a stable and manageable state. I would like to show my full gratitude and appreciation to every contributor who have made the project an unforgettable and enjoyable experience!

BYDA COVID19 Relief Fund has raised:


20th February 2022 - 10th March 2022